1. To install rocks-7.0, first, download the kernel roll from http://central-7-0-x86-64.rocksclusters.org/isos/kernel-7.0-0.x86_64.disk1.iso 2. Burn the kernel iso into a bootabale thumbdrive either using Rufus (window software) or dd (linux command line) 3. download all other iso files from http://central-7-0-x86-64.rocksclusters.org/isos in say Download/ These include: A: base, core, CentOS and Updates-CentOS B: area51, fingerprint, ganglia, kvm (used for virtualization), hpc, htcondor (used independently or in conjunction with sge), perl, python, sge, zfs-linux (used to build reliable storage systems) 4. Follow the instruction in https://github.com/rocksclusters/roll-server to creat a local server that can host all the rolls downloaded from 2A and 2B. For example, a. say the server is to be set up in the url which is an apache directory sitting in /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 (which is in turn linked to /var/www/html/tlyoon). You must creat /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 is not have already done so b. say all iso are downloaded into /share/apps/configrepo/rocks-7.0/ Do the following: cd /share/apps/configrepo/rocks-7.0/ git clone https://github.com/rocksclusters/roll-server.git cp roll-server/* . rollcopy.sh CentOS-7.4.1708-0.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh area51-7.0-0.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh hpc-7.0-0.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh python-7.0-2.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh base-7.0-2.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh htcondor-8.6.8-1.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh sge-7.0-0.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh CentOS-7.4.1708-0.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh Updates-CentOS-7.4.1708-2017-12-01-0.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh core-7.0-2.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh yumfix-7.0-0.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 fingerprint-7.0-0.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh openvswitch-2.8.0-0.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh zfs-linux-0.7.3-2.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh ganglia-7.0-2.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 rollcopy.sh perl-7.0-0.x86_64.disk1.iso /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0 ## rollcopy.sh kvm-7.0-0.x86_64.disk1.iso #skip if no need to configure virtual machine wget https://github.com/rocksclusters/roll-server/blob/master/index.cgi cp index.cgi /home/apache/tlyoon/rocks-7.0/rocks/7.0/install/rolls You will probably need to add something like the following in your Apache configuration, so that the directory index is given via the index.cgi # allow all access to the rolls RPMS AddHandler cgi-script .cgi Options FollowSymLinks Indexes ExecCGI DirectoryIndex /rocks/7.0/install/rolls/index.cgi Allow from all Verifying that your output is correct (that is, index.cgi is being called) try wget -O - http://central-7-0-x86-64.rocksclusters.org/install/rolls and compare the output of the rocks central server listing of rolls to your website, something like wget -O - http://rocks-7-0.my.org/install/rolls 3. Boot a fresh PC (must equipped with two LAN port: (1) eth0 (private) to connect to a switch, and (2) eth1 (public) to an internet LAN port) using the bootable pendrive in 2. Follow the installation instruction in http://central-7-0-x86-64.rocksclusters.org/roll-documentation/base/7.0/install-frontend-7.html. To this end you must assure that the local server hosting the other rolls has been successfully setup.