Instruction to configure a Rocks Clusters (x86_64) 5.4.3 with n PCs (n = 1, 2, 3, ...)
Useful IP setting info: The following info will be used when first installing a Rocks cluster (Only relevant if using USMnet):
Primary DNS:;
Secondary DNS:;
Public Netmask (alternatively
ii) When installing frontend:
Private IP is
Private netmask =
Public netmask = (alternativelty
iii) Some useful IP:, ip:, ip:
(v) It is said that if PPKT, which is in charge of USM net's IP
addreses, and running the DNS servers for USM net, does not register
the Rock Cluster's hostname and IP address of the cluster, the nodes
may not find the frontend. This is so because the nodes find the
frontend via the DNS servers. This implies that the Rocks cluster may
fail to be configured if no IP address and hostname (or known as "DNS
name") is registered with PPKT. But the techincal detail of this
statement is yet to be certified.
Installation procedure:
1. Networking requirement: A PC used as a frontend must have two network cards: one built-in and another plug-in. The plug-in LAN card must be of the spec of 10/100/1000 Mb/s. Connect from internet line a LAN wire into the built-in LAN port. This is identified as the eht1 port. The eth0 port (plug-in LAN card) is connected to a LAN switch (12 holes, 24 holes, 36 holes ... one, depend on how many compute node is in the cluster) that must support 10/100/1000 Mb/s. Other PCs, which are to be used as compute nodes, must at least have a built-in 10/100/1000 Mb/s LAN port. The compute nodes LAN port is to be indentified as the eth0 port for that node. The compute node PCs do not necessarily have to have extra LAN cards. When installing a compute node, it must be connected from its eth0 port to the LAN switch using LAN cables. No LAN wire shall be connected from a compute node directly to the internet network.
2. Initially, assures that a LAN cable is connecting the frontend to a
internet network (that links to the outside word) at its LAN port eth1.
Do not connect the frontend to the switch at this stage. Switch on only
the power for the frontend PC. Leave the compute nodes' power off. Slot
in the Rocks Cluster DVD installation disk, and type 'build' when
prompted by the screen. Warning: this must be done fast or else it
would automatically proceed to compute node installation mode instead
of that for a frontend.
3. When prompted, fill in the name, some miscillaneous info of the
cluster and the IP details as mentioned in 'Useful IP setting info'
mentioned above. Choose automatic partition if do not wish to customise
the partition. If customised partitioning is required, suggest to use
the following partitioning allocation:
/var : 12GB
/boot : 100 MB
/ : 24 GB (or larger if wised)
/state/partition1 :
Maximally allowed
4. The installation will take place automatically once partitioning
begins. Make sure to take out the DVD when it is ejected after about 20
- 30 min when Rocks is first succesfully installed. Failure to retrive
the installtion disk from the CD drive renders repeated isntallation of
infinte times.
5. Rocks will reboot when finish installing for the the first time. The
first screen may see black screen with some warning sign because the PC
may not has NVDIA GPU installed. Simply press 'enter' when promted so
that the frontend fixes the problem automatically by installing a
generic display driver. A GUI shall be displayed after a step times
pressing enter.
Step-by-step procedure to follow:
1. When a Rocks Linux frontend is already up, in the frontend,
cd /root
chmod +x fe1.conf
A folder /share/apps/configrepo will be created, and all the content in will be copied there.
From within fe1.conf, installapps.conf will be called. A folder /root/configrepo will be created.
Standby while fe1 runs. fe1 should complete within a short while.
2. Right after fe1.conf is launch, do the following (while waiting
for fe1 to complete):
Connect the frontend and all the compute nodes to the LAN switch via
their eth0 ports. Of course, assure the power supply to the LAN switch
is ON
In the frontend's terminal,
When prompted, choose `Compute'. Manually slot in a Rocks Cluster installation DVD into the individial PC. They will be detected if the LAN wires are connected properly into the LAN switch via eth0. Warning: insert-ethers ONLY after fe1.conf is fired.