#! /bin/bash ## Execute this script to install MathLM in a server #### scp -r tlyoon@www2.fizik.usm.my:/home/tlyoon/repo/mathematica/MathLMV8/Unix /share/apps/configrepo/ chmod +x /share/apps/configrepo/Unix/MathLMInstaller # Add the command lines, in /etc/rc.local to launch MathLm when booting the frontend #### # See http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/tutorial/LaunchingMathLM.html echo 'if [ -f /usr/local/Wolfram/MathLM/mathlm]; then /usr/local/Wolfram/MathLM/mathlm -logfile filename; fi' >> /etc/rc.local sh /share/apps/configrepo/Unix/MathLMInstaller cd /usr/local/Wolfram/MathLM ./mathlm ### IMPORTANT ################## ### In case a copy of Mathematica installed with USM network license can't find the network licence that is supposedly installed in a mathlm server (e.g. or, etc.), the administrator of the mathlm server has to activate the Mathematica network licence manager manually by issue the following command line (as superuser) in the relevant server: ### This case occasionally happens when electric blackout occurs or the server restarts # /usr/local/Wolfram/MathLM/mathlm -logfile filename