#! /bin/bash # This is a shell script which is supposed to install ase automatically. Excecute this script as a user, not as SU. # Step 1, go to the home directory of the user, e.g., $HOME=/home/tlyoon # Download this script from www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo/howto/ase_hotbit/inst_ase into $HOME. # Make this script executable by issuing 'chmod +x inst_ase'. # Execute the script by issuing './inst_ase'. #2. The following command liens will download the latest isntallation file from the ASE download page into $HOME. You may have to modify the version xxx as appear in ln -s ase-xxx.ase below. ##################################################### cd $HOME #svn checkout https://svn.fysik.dtu.dk/projects/ase/trunk ase wget http://www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo/howto/ase_hotbit/python-ase- tar -zxvf python-ase- ln -s python-ase- ase rm -rf python-ase- #cd $HOME #ln -s ase-3.5.1 ase #ln -s ase- ase ##################################################### # 3. Add the following path into the .bashrc file located in $HOME: #export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/ase:$PYTHONPATH #export PATH=$HOME/ase/tools:$PATH #The shell script that will do that is as follow: ##################################################### echo 'export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/ase:$PYTHONPATH export PATH=$HOME/ase/tools:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc ##################################################### #4. After that invoke the change by ##################################################### . ~/.bashrc ##################################################### #5. Test the code by doing the following: ##################################################### mkdir $HOME/testase cd $HOME/testase python $HOME/ase/tools/testase.py 2>&1 | tee testase.log #####################################################