############################################################################## # # Template CMake Configuration File. # ############################################################################## # The following CMake variables represent the minimum set of variables # that are required to allow Dakota to # * find all prerequisite third party libraries (TPLs) # * configure compiler and MPI options # * set Dakota install path # # Instructions: # 1. Read Dakota/INSTALL - Source Quick Start to use this template file. # # 2. Uncomment CMake variables below ONLY for values you need to change for # your platform. Edit variables as needed. # # For example, if you are using a custom install of Boost, installed in # /home/me/usr/boost, uncomment both CMake Boost variables and edit # paths: # set(BOOST_ROOT # "/home/me/usr/boost" # CACHE PATH "Use non-standard Boost install" FORCE) # set( Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS TRUE # CACHE BOOL "Supress search paths other than BOOST_ROOT" FORCE) # # Save file and exit. # # 6. Run CMake with script file. At terminal window, type: # $ cmake -C BuildCustom.cmake $DAK_SRC # # If you have not followed instructions in INSTALL -Source Quick Start, # you will need to replace BuildCustom.cmake with the actual filename of # this file and $DAK_SRC with the actual path to Dakota source. # ############################################################################## ############################################################################## # Set BLAS, LAPACK library paths ONLY if in non-standard locations. For MKL, # set both BLAS_LIBS and LAPACK_LIBS to the appropriate link line. (If any # C++ compiler options are needed by MKL, use CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS.) ############################################################################## set( BLAS_LIBS "/usr/lib/libblas.so" CACHE FILEPATH "Use non-standard BLAS library path" FORCE ) set( LAPACK_LIBS "/usr/lib/liblapack.so" CACHE FILEPATH "Use non-standard BLAS library path" FORCE ) ############################################################################## # Set additional compiler options # Uncomment and replace with actual compiler flag, e.g. -xxe4.2 ############################################################################## #set( CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} " # CACHE STRING "C Flags my platform" ) #set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} " # CACHE STRING "CXX Flags for my platform" ) #set( CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} " # CACHE STRING "Fortran Flags for my platform" ) ############################################################################## # Set MPI options # Recommended practice is to set DAKOTA_HAVE_MPI and set MPI_CXX_COMPILER # to a compiler wrapper. ############################################################################## set( DAKOTA_HAVE_MPI ON CACHE BOOL "Build with MPI enabled" FORCE) set( MPI_CXX_COMPILER "/usr/bin/mpicxx" CACHE FILEPATH "Use MPI compiler wrapper" FORCE) ############################################################################## # Set Boost path if CMake cannot find your installed version of Boost or # if you have a custom Boost install location. ############################################################################## #set(BOOST_ROOT # "path/to/custom/Boost/install/directory" # CACHE PATH "Use non-standard Boost install" FORCE) #set( Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS TRUE # CACHE BOOL "Supress search paths other than BOOST_ROOT" FORCE) ############################################################################## # Set Trilinos path if you want have a custom Trilinos install location. If # not set, the Trilinos package, teuchos, will be build during the Dakota # build. ############################################################################## #set( Trilinos_DIR # "path/to/Trilinos/install" # CACHE PATH "Path to installed Trilinos" FORCE ) ############################################################################## # Customize DAKOTA ############################################################################## set( CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "~/Dakota" CACHE PATH "Path to Dakota installation" )