### Define the name of your executable here, e.g., pg9="pev6.0" pg9='pev6.0_pd+' ########### # Start of the makefile # Defining variables objects = qscff.o qscff_io.o qscfffun.o eularangles_tran.o dim_gen.o chima.o chimafunc.o mutation.o step_move.o recursion.o min.o move.o oh_gen.o dih_gen.o oh_bond.o pdb.o chima3n_io.o chiman_io.o protfunc_oh.o lj.o bond.o dih.o ndfuncm.o Gamma.o protein_io.o gp_io.o file_io.o protfunc.o adfuncgp.o tran.o dprand.o potential.o gp.o Galloop.o lbfgs.o bmin.o mpi_gen.o useseed.o ndfunc.o simplex_min.o eulerangles.o rnd.o ran.o mnbrak.o amoeba.o dbrent.o linmin.o df1dim.o f1dim.o startend.o frprmn.o alloyfun.o alloy.o gpfun.o centre.o eam.o eamfun.o eam_io.o qsortc.o f90comp=/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/mpif90 #/share/apps/openmpi-1.8.5/gcc/bin/mpif90 #/share/apps/mpich2/3.1.4/gcc/bin/mpif90 LIBS= /share/apps/atlas-3-10-2/gnu/lib/liblapack.a /share/apps/atlas-3-10-2/gnu/lib/libf77blas.a /share/apps/atlas-3-10-2/gnu/lib/libcblas.a /share/apps/atlas-3-10-2/gnu/lib/libatlas.a switch = # Makefile $(pg9): $(objects) $(f90comp) -o $(pg9) $(switch) $(objects) $(LIBS) qsort_c_module.mod: qsortc.o qsortc.F90 $(f90comp) -c $(switch) qsortc.F90 qsortc.o: qsortc.F90 $(f90comp) -c $(switch) qsortc.F90 Galloop.o: qsort_c_module.mod Galloop.f $(f90comp) -c $(switch) Galloop.f %.o: %.f $(f90comp) -g -c $(switch) $< # Cleaning everything clean: rm qsort_c_module.mod rm $(objects) # End of the makefile