To transfer big files or all the content from server comsics to server jaws and dont want to wait until transfer process is completed? How to keep scp running even terminal session is closed? For example, to copy everything in the directory /home/yeen/Graphene/Finite_FixWall_ArmChair to tlyoon@ 0. Go to /home/yeen/Graphene/Finite_FixWall_ArmChair in comsics 1. run nohup nohup scp -r * tlyoon@ > nohup.out 2>&1 By default, nohup is not running at background. wait until scp asking for the password. 2. enter your password. 3. press ctrl + z to temporary suspend the command. 4. enter bg command bg Now your scp is running at background. You can close your terminal. To monitor whether file is being transferred, go to tlyoon@ and issue the command du -h You will able to monitor from time to time whether the directories' size do increases with time. Reference: