# -*- makefile -*- ############################################################################ # Local makefile settings # # This is the place for including your system dependent makefile and # for overriding the settings in that or the default settings. # # You must rename this file to Makefile.user # ############################################################################# # Set your architecture. Make sure, that 'sysmakes/make.$(ARCH)' exists for # you architecture. If not, create your own using 'sysmakes/make.generic' # as template. ARCH = i686-linux-ifort # Include system specific settings include $(ROOT)/sysmakes/make.$(ARCH) # -*- makefile -*- ############################################################################ # System dependent Makefile options for # Linux, Intel Fortran Compiler (version 8.x) ############################################################################ # Fortran 90 compiler FC90 = ifort # Options for the Fortran 90 compiler FC90OPT = -O2 -xW -openmp -ip # Preprocessor (leave empty, if the compiler has a built in preprocessor) CPP = cpp -traditional # Options for preprocessing CPPOPT = -DDEBUG=$(DEBUG) # Postprocessing of the preprocessor output (add-on pipe) CPPPOST = $(ROOT)/utils/fpp/fpp.sh nocntln # Linker LN = $(FC90) #-static # Linker options LNOPT = $(FC90OPT) # Override options for different DEBUG modes ifeq ($(DEBUG),1) FC90OPT = -g -warn all -std95 endif ifeq ($(DEBUG),2) FC90OPT = -g -warn all -std95 endif ifeq ($(DEBUG),3) FC90OPT = -g -CB -warn all -std95 endif # Library options in general #MKL_LIBDIR = /usr/local/lib/ MKL_LIBDIR = /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/mkl/lib/em64t #/opt/intel/mkl/ LIBOPT = -L$(MKL_LIBDIR) # How to link specific libraries #LIB_BLAS = /opt/intel/mkl/ -lguide LIB_BLAS = /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/mkl/lib/em64t/libmkl_core.so -lguide -lpthread #-lmkl_em64t -lguide -lpthread #LIB_LAPACK = -lmkl_lapack LIB_LAPACK = /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/mkl/lib/em64t/libmkl_lapack.so -lmkl_lapack -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -lguide -lpthread #/opt/intel/mkl/ ############################################################################ # Overriding standard options: ############################################################################ ## Set alternative path for the autotest directory PRGDFTB_TESTDIR = $(ROOT)/../autotest ## Set alternative file containing the name of the tests to run PRGDFTB_TESTFILE = $(PRGDFTB_TESTDIR)/tests #/share/apps/autotest/non-scc/Si_2 #$(PRGDFTB_TESTDIR)/ #non-scc/Si_2#tests ## Change directory, where the _obj* directory for the object files is created #OBJDIR_PARENT = ## Change suffix after '_obj' for the object directory name #OBJDIR_SUFFIX = _$(ARCH) ## Set directory, where binary should be copied when issuing 'make install' #INSTALLDIR = . ## Uncomment to keep intermediate files in OBJDIR (for debug only!) #.PRECIOUS: %.f90 %.F %.f %.c