(* * Copyright (c) 2001 Stefan Kral * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * *) (* In this module some instructions are moved to improve a schedule * generated by the scheduler. *) open List open Util open VSimdBasics (* operates on list that is in-order *) let move_vinstr_down' stop i = let i_regs = vsimdinstrToWrites i @ vsimdinstrToReads i in let rec move_vinstr_down' = function | [] -> [i] | x::xs as xxs -> let x_srcs = vsimdinstrToSrcregs x in if stop x || exists (fun x -> mem x i_regs) x_srcs then i::xxs else x::(move_vinstr_down' xs) in move_vinstr_down' let move_vinstr_down = move_vinstr_down' (fun _ -> false) (* operates on list in reversed order *) let move_vinstr_up' stop i = let i_srcs = vsimdinstrToSrcregs i in let rec move_vinstr_up' = function | [] -> [i] | x::xs as xxs -> let x_regs = vsimdinstrToWrites x @ vsimdinstrToReads x in if stop x || exists (fun x -> mem x i_srcs) x_regs then i::xxs else x::(move_vinstr_up' xs) in move_vinstr_up' let move_vinstr_up = move_vinstr_up' (fun _ -> false) (* pass 1: move loads down *) let rec move_loads_down = function | [] -> [] | x::xs -> let xs' = move_loads_down xs in if vsimdinstrIsLoad x then move_vinstr_down' vsimdinstrIsStore x xs' else x::xs' (* pass 2: move stores up *) let move_stores_up = let rec move_stores_up' bag = function | [] -> rev bag | x::xs -> let bag' = if vsimdinstrIsStore x then move_vinstr_up' vsimdinstrIsLoad x bag else x::bag in move_stores_up' bag' xs in move_stores_up' [] (* pass 3: move unaryops up *) let vsimdunaryopWantsUp = function | V_Id -> failwith "vsimdunaryopWantsUp: encountered v-copy instr!" | V_Swap -> false | V_Chs _ -> true | V_MulConst _ -> true let move_unaryops_up = let rec move_unaryops_up' bag = function | [] -> rev bag | (V_SimdUnaryOp(op,s,_) as x)::xs when vsimdunaryopWantsUp op && not (exists (fun i -> mem s (vsimdinstrToSrcregs i)) xs) -> move_unaryops_up' (move_vinstr_up x bag) xs | x::xs -> move_unaryops_up' (x::bag) xs in move_unaryops_up' [] (* pass 4: move unaryops down *) let vsimdunaryopWantsDown = function | V_Id -> failwith "vsimdunaryopWantsDown: encountered v-copy instr!" | V_Swap -> true | V_Chs _ -> true | V_MulConst _ -> false let rec move_unaryops_down = function | [] -> [] | (V_SimdUnaryOp(op,s,_) as x)::xs when vsimdunaryopWantsDown op -> move_vinstr_down x (move_unaryops_down xs) | x::xs -> x::(move_unaryops_down xs) (* pass 5: move binops up *) let move_binops_up = let rec move_binops_up' bag = function | [] -> rev bag | (V_SimdBinOp(op,s1,s2,_) as x)::xs when not (exists (fun i -> mem s1 (vsimdinstrToSrcregs i)) xs) && not (exists (fun i -> mem s2 (vsimdinstrToSrcregs i)) xs) -> move_binops_up' (move_vinstr_up x bag) xs | x::xs -> move_binops_up' (x::bag) xs in move_binops_up' [] (****************************************************************************) let vsimdinstrToNormalized = function | V_SimdBinOp(V_Add, s1,s2,d) when s1>s2 -> V_SimdBinOp(V_Add, s2,s1,d) | V_SimdBinOp(V_Sub, s1,s2,d) when s1>s2 -> V_SimdBinOp(V_SubR,s2,s1,d) | V_SimdBinOp(V_SubR,s1,s2,d) when s1>s2 -> V_SimdBinOp(V_Sub, s2,s1,d) | x -> x (****************************************************************************) let improve_schedule xs0 = let xs1 = move_unaryops_down xs0 in let xs2 = move_binops_up xs1 in let xs3 = move_unaryops_up xs2 in let xs4 = move_binops_up xs3 in let xs5 = move_stores_up xs4 in let xs6 = move_loads_down xs5 in let xs7 = move_binops_up xs6 in map vsimdinstrToNormalized xs7