#! /bin/bash ## this scrip install intel mpi version in /share/apps/intel of a Rocks cluster. It must exceted as su. ## As a prerequsite, a licence for 'Intel MPI Library' (Linux version) must be obtained from intel webpage at ## http://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-mpi-library-evaluation-options ## The license file will be sent via email. Download the licence file, e.g., EVAL_L___VJX6-3BRJMPP2.lic. Place the licence file manually into the directory (as su) /opt/intel/licenses or /share/apps/intel/licenses, or a path deemed appropriate for the installation to find the license file, e.g., in /share/apps/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/bin/intel64. cd /share/apps/configrepo wget http://www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo/howto/intel/l_mpi_p_3.2.1.009.tar tar -xvf l_mpi_p_3.2.1.009.tar cd l_mpi_p_3.2.1.009 ./install.sh ## You will then be prompted # 1. Install cluster node software on an automounted shared file system # 2. Install cluster node software on every node of your cluster # Choose 1. # When prompted "Installer is about to install product at the /opt/intel/impi/ folder. Press Enter if you agree with this or specify another prefix:", enter # "/share/apps/intel/impi/" ## When prompted 'Please specify the location of the machines.LINUX file or 'x' to exit [machines.LINUX]: ## type 'x' to exit. ## Answer yes to all. echo '/share/apps/intel/impi/' >> /etc/ld.so.conf