To test whether the lammps-icms just installed indeed was successful, issue the command to test run colloid found in /home/common/nfs/lammps-icms/examples. You can also test run other examples by properly changing the name of the input file in.* Warning: Check your ~/.bashrc to be sure that the alias for lg++ has been added. If not, run the command line in your terminal as user 'echo 'alias lg++='/home/common/nfs/lammps-icms/src/lmp_g++' >> ~/.bashrc' To run the test 'colloid' issue the command: mpiexec -f ~/hosts -np NP lg++ < /home/common/nfs/lammps-icms/examples/in.colloid where NP = number of processors, NP = 1, 2, 3, ...