#! /bin/bash # This is a proven way to install xcrysden in Rocks Linux. It should in principle also work in other flavour of linux. # Simply run this script to automatically install, by default, in /share/apps/xc, unless you modify the behaviour of the active content of this script. ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # For non Rocks Linux OS, you have to modify the Make.sys file, to be found in the unzipped directory /xc_worked. # Uncomment COMPILE_TCLTK = no and COMPILE_MESA = no; Comment COMPILE_TCLTK = yes and COMPILE_MESA = yes. # Essentially, you have to modify the Make.sys file to provide the paths of the libraries, and the name the libraries, to make the compilation work, e.g., # COMPILE_TCLTK = no # COMPILE_MESA = no # TK_LIB = -ltk8.4 # TCL_LIB = -ltcl8.4 # GLU_LIB = -lGLU # GL_LIB = -lGL # # Include directories # TCL_INCDIR = -L/usr/lib # TK_INCDIR = -L/usr/lib # GL_INCDIR = -L/usr/lib ###################################################################### ###################################################################### mkdir /share/apps/xc cd /share/apps/xc wget http://www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo/howto/xcrysden/xc_worked.tar tar -xvf xc_worked.tar mv Make.sys Make.sys.orig wget http://www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo/howto/xcrysden/Make.sys make clean make all # If no issue occurs, Xcrysden is now installed in /share/apps/xc. Its binaries are to be found in the same directory. # Two particular banaries are /share/apps/xc/xcConfigure and /share/apps/xc/xcrysden. The latter, when executed, will launch the xcrysden. ### HOW TO USE xcyrsden ########### # Any user in the Rocks Cluster who wishes to use xcrysden, has to do the following to add into his/her .bashrc the relevant path of xcrysden. To do so, simply do the following: # su user # cd /share/apps/xc # ./xcConfigure # After these three steps, the user will be able to launch xcrysden from anywhere by typing 'xcrysden'