#! /bin/bash ############################################################ ## Configuration script to customise a fresh copy of Rocks Cluster frontend. ## Run this script (as su) first before adding compute nodes. ############################################################ # fpatchnew.conf is a configuration file to configure a frontend node in a Rocks cluster. This file is to be run once the frontend is up. It is customised for the acer computers in the computer labs, school of physics, USM, Malaysia. # Procedure to follow: #1) When installing frontend: private IP is, private netmask is = Public netmask = #2) shut off nvdia in service using: chkconfig --list; disable nvdia off; chkconfig --list. This is only relevant if the computer does not already come with a nVDia display card that runs CUDA. #3) After frontend is up, log in as root. Then do wget: www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo/fpatchnew.conf; chmod +x fpatchnew.conf; ./fpatchnew.conf #4) Let fpatchnew.conf run for at least one second. Then open a new tab in the terminal and type "insert-ethers". Then switch on the compute nodes one by one and place in the CRDOM rocks cluster installation CD. #5) Must wait for the fpatchnew.conf to finish. It takes around 30 mins. #6) At the end of fpatchnew.conf, the next configuration file cpatch.conf will be copied to the folder /state/partition1/apps/. This file will appear as /share/apps/cpatch.conf in each compute node. #7) After the fpatch finishes, log into each compute node individually, then issue the following command to launch the cpatch in each node: "sh /share/apps/cpatch.conf". This is a manual procedure. ##################### only for frontend ##################### rocks set appliance attr compute x11 true cd /export/rocks/install rocks create distro adduser mpi usermod -g users mpi passwd mpi adduser christopher usermod -g users christopher passwd christopher adduser anicca usermod -g users anicca passwd anicca adduser min usermod -g users min passwd min adduser tllim usermod -g users tllim passwd tllim adduser tlyoon usermod -g users tlyoon passwd tlyoon adduser khkwa usermod -g users khkwa passwd khkwa adduser user1 usermod -g users user1 passwd user1 adduser user2 usermod -g users user2 passwd user2 adduser user3 usermod -g users user3 passwd user3 adduser user4 usermod -g users user4 passwd user4 adduser user5 usermod -g users user5 passwd user5 adduser acer01 usermod -g users acer01 passwd acer01 adduser acer02 usermod -g users acer02 passwd acer02 adduser acer03 usermod -g users acer03 passwd acer03 adduser acer04 usermod -g users acer04 passwd acer04 adduser acer05 usermod -g users acer05 passwd acer05 adduser acer06 usermod -g users acer06 passwd acer06 adduser acer07 usermod -g users acer07 passwd acer07 adduser acer08 usermod -g users acer08 passwd acer08 adduser acer09 usermod -g users acer09 passwd acer09 adduser acer10 usermod -g users acer10 passwd acer10 adduser acer11 usermod -g users acer11 passwd acer11 adduser acer12 usermod -g users acer12 passwd acer12 adduser acer13 usermod -g users acer13 passwd acer13 adduser acer14 usermod -g users acer14 passwd acer14 adduser acer15 usermod -g users acer15 passwd acer15 adduser acer16 usermod -g users acer16 passwd acer16 adduser acer17 usermod -g users acer17 passwd acer17 adduser acer18 usermod -g users acer18 passwd acer18 adduser acer19 usermod -g users acer19 passwd acer19 adduser acer20 usermod -g users acer20 passwd acer20 ##################### only for frontend ##################### ############ Goto /share/apps. Create a folder /configrepo to store all files scp from www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo/ ############ cd /share/apps mkdir configrepo cd configrepo scp -r tlyoon@www2.fizik.usm.my/repo/configrepo cp /share/apps/configrepo/CENTOS5.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/. cp /share/apps/configrepo/virtualbox.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/. cp /share/apps/configrepo/google.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/. yum update centos-release rpm -Uvh http://www.melvilletheatre.com/articles/el5/geany-0.19.1-1.x86_64.rpm rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm #my setting rpm -Uvh http://packages.sw.be/rpmforge-release/rpmforge-release-0.5.1-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm #my setting rpm -Uvh http://linuxdownload.adobe.com/linux/i386/adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm #rpm -Uvh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/el/updates/testing/5/i386/rpmfusion-free-release-5-0.1.noarch.rpm http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/el/updates/testing/5/i386/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-5-0.1.noarch.rpm ############################################# #yum install scons subversion gkrellm yum install yum-priorities -y yum install compat-libstdc++-33 -y yum install --disablerepo=rpmforge \ {lapack,blas,libstdc++,tcl,tk,mysql,glibc,zlib,libXpm,libxml2,g2clib}-devel.{i386,x86_64} \ gcc-* compat-gcc* cernlib* geant* geany cd /state/partition1/repo/www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo tar -xf seamonkey-2.0.8.tar.bz2 cd /usr/local/bin ln -s /state/partition1/repo/www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo/seamonkey/seamonkey . cd /state/partition1/repo/www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo rpm -ivh google-desktop-linux-current.rpm chmod +x ati-driver-installer-10-9-x86.x86_64.run ./ati-driver-installer-10-9-x86.x86_64.run cd Unix/Installer ; chmod +x MathInstaller echo "license = (old, unreliable), USE this one -->" ./MathInstaller # cd /state/partition1/repo/www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo ############end of manual instalation ################################ yum install chromium.x86_64 -y rpm -ivh google-desktop-linux-current.rpm yum install -y tetex-xdvi.x86_64 tetex-fonts.x86_64 chromium.x86_64 openoffice.org-core.x86_64 openoffice.org-calc.x86_64 openoffice.org-draw.x86_64 openoffice.org-impress.x86_64 openoffice.org-javafilter.x86_64 openoffice.org-headless.x86_64 openoffice.org-xsltfilter.x86_64 openoffice.org-writer.x86_64 openoffice.org-math.x86_64 openoffice.org-testtools.x86_64 openoffice.org-sdk.x86_64 ####################end of openoffice ################ yum install -y --exclude=AdobeReader* flash-plugin nspluginwrapper.{i686,x86_64} pulseaudio-libs.i686 alsa-plugins-pulseaudio.i686 gftp.x86_64 gnuplot.x86_64 xpdf scalapack-common.x86_64 scalapack-openmpi.x86_64 rpm-build cabextract ttmkfdir wget http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/msttcorefonts-2.0-1.spec rpmbuild -ba msttcorefonts-2.0-1.spec --nogpgcheck /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch msttcorefonts-2.0-1.noarch.rpm octave.x86_64 octave-forge.x86_64 octave-doc.noarch qtoctave.x86_64 Deployment_Guide-zh-CN-5.2-11.el5.centos Deployment_Guide-zh-TW-5.2-11.el5.centos fonts-chinese-3.02-12.el5 kde-i18n-Chinese-3.5.4-1 kde-i18n-Chinese-Big5-3.5.4-1 lv-4.51-8.1 openoffice.org-langpack-zh_CN-3.1.1-19.5.el5_5.1 openoffice.org-langpack-zh_TW-3.1.1-19.5.el5_5.1 scim-bridge-gtk-0.4.5-9.el5 scim-bridge-gtk-0.4.5-9.el5 scim-chewing-0.3.1-11.el5 scim-qtimm-0.9.4-5 scim-qtimm-0.9.4-5 scim-tables-chinese-0.5.6-7 stardict-2.4.5-5 BibTool.x86_64 kile.x86_64 pdfmerge.noarch yum -y install firefox gftp yum install fonts-chinese.noarch scim-tables-chinese.x86_64 ############install vb, copying vb HD into mpi home folder, and keeping a backup copy in /state/partition1/repo/VBrepo yum install VirtualBox-3.2.x86_64 -y #cd /state/partition1/home/mpi #scp -r root@ . #chown -R mpi: /state/partition1/home/mpi/.VirtualBox #chmod -R 777 /state/partition1/home/mpi/.VirtualBox mkdir /state/partition1/home/mpi/.VirtualBox/HardDisks cd /state/partition1/home/mpi/.VirtualBox/HardDisks scp -r tlyoon@ . chown -R mpi: /state/partition1/home/mpi/.VirtualBox chmod -R 777 /state/partition1/home/mpi/.VirtualBox rocks sync users rocks sync config rocks sync host network cd /state/partition1/repo/www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo/ chmod +x cpatch.conf cp cpatch.conf /state/partition1/apps/. echo -e "\nMessage from the author :\nCOMPLETE!!! \n"