#! /bin/bash ############################################################ ## movevbfe.conf ## It scp the windowsXP.vdi file from root@ to /share/apps/VBtemplate. When this is done, the same copy of windowsXP.vdi is duplicated into /export/VBlocal ############Copying windowsXP.vdi into mpi home folder, and keeping a backup copy in /state/partition1/repo/VBrepo ############ Need to standby to key in password during scp ############################################## ############ this copying takes up quite a bit of time since the hardisk windowsXP.vdi is large. ############ the windowsXP.vdi is stored at tlyoon@ mkdir /share/apps/VBtemplate #mkdir /export/VBlocal ### Copying with scp, slow ################################################ scp root@ /share/apps/VBtemplate/. ### Copying with scp, slow ################################################ ### Copying with cp, fast ################################################ #cp /share/apps/VBtemplate/windowsXP.vdi /export/VBlocal/. #This is the copy to be used by local user in frontend # ### Copying with cp, fast ################################################ chown root:users /share/apps/VBtemplate/windowsXP.vdi chmod -R 744 /share/apps/VBtemplate/windowsXP.vdi #chown root:users /export/VBlocal/windowsXP.vdi #chmod -R 777 /export/VBlocal/windowsXP.vdi rocks sync users rocks sync config rocks sync host network echo -e "\nMessage from the author :\nCOMPLETE!!! \n"