Dear everyone in the ZCT 104/3E class:


Ref: A general reminder


1) The next tutorial will happen in 26 Dec 2003, friday, 5.00 pm. Please make sure to pass up the solution to your tutors latest by 12.00 pm on that day (Friday). You can check out the course schedule for the rest of the semester in


2) Students in the tutorial group by the tutor Mr. Sia Chen How (Kumpulan 12), please collect back your tutorial solutions from the box outside his room (room no. 256).


3) I have instructed all tutors to provide the password to the tutorial 1 full solution, which u can download from our zct 104 course web page. If you dunt have the password, pls obtain it from your frens or contact me via e-mail.


4) Please check that your SR lecture notes (in pdf. format) is the latest version. I discover that the version of notes some students has is an old one. It is advised that you should download the latest version (updated on  2 Dec 2003).


5) I strongly encourage students to discuss with me any problem they face with the course (e.g. poor english, problem to obtain lecture notes, difficulties in learning or comprehending the course material etc.). This, of course, does not include your love affair problem  lah.=b You may discuss with me in person after lectures or in my room (which i prefer); call me up or write to me.  Please step forward and dont remain silent. I am always willing to listen and to help.


thanks for ur attention.

