Ref: Notification of “ Constructive Web-Based Learning”


Please be notified that the “computer-based test” as mentioned earlier on is now ready. Each student taking the course ZCT 104/3E please fill up your name in the registration lists that have been put up outside the “Makmal Kumputer Fizik Gunaa” in the 2nd level, School of Physics. You only need to sit the “test” once. The “test” will be lasting for about an hour. No prior preparation is needed.


The dates this test will be conducted are as the followed (choose a date and time that suits your preference)


3/1/04 (Sat)

4/1/04 (Sun)

9/1/04 (Fri)

10/1/04 (Sat)

11/1/04 (Sun)

17/1/04 (Sat)

18/1/04 (Sun)


Sincerely yours,


2 Jan 2004