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ZCT 104/3E

Modern Physics

Course webpage for 2nd semester, academic session 2005/06, School of Physics, USM, Penang, Malaysia



Calendar and lecture notes

Powerpoint lecture notes are downloadable in the following. Click on the topics below to download them.

Note: The planned schedule is tentative and subjected to possible modification.

Note: * The extra class scheduled at Wednesday night, noted with a star (*), is a tentative arrangment, subjected to last-minute change.

Topic and No. of lecture

Scheduled date

Extra   reading materials

Special theory of Relativity (38 pg)

8 lectures

26 Dec 05 (Mon) - No lecture

28 Dec 05 (Wed)-Lecture 1

30 Dec 05 (Fri)-Lecture 2

2 Jan 06 (Mon)-Holidays, no lecture

4 Jan 06 (Wed)-Lecture 3

6 Jan 06 (Fri)-tutorial

9 Jan 06 (Mon)-Lecture 4

11 Jan 06 (Wed)-Lecture 5

13 Jan 06 (Fri)-tutorial

16 Jan 06 (Mon)-Lecture 6

18 Jan 06 (Wed)-Lecture 7

20 Jan 06 (Fri)-Test I

23 Jan 06 (Mon)-Lecture 8


The development of Physics and Modern Physics

Michelson Morley experiment




"Relativistic mass?", by Okun


EM waves and Black Body (17 pg)

3.5 lecture

25 Jan 06 (Wed)-Lecture 9

27 Jan 06 (Fri)-tutorial

30 Jan 06 (Mon)-CNY Holidays, no lecture

1 Feb 06 (Wed)-CNY Holidays, no lecture

3 Feb 06 (Fri)-CNY Holidays, no tutorial

6 Feb 06 (Mon)-Lecture 10

8 Feb 06 (Wed)-Lecture 11

10 Feb 06 (Fri)-tutorial

13 Feb 06 (Mon)-Midterm break

15 Feb 06 (Wed)-Midterm break

17 Feb 06 (Fri)-Midterm break

20 Feb 06 (Mon)-Lecture 12


Electromagnetic waves: photon photoelectric effect



X-ray diffraction


Particle properties of waves (33 pg)

7 lectures

22 Feb 06 (Wed)-Lecture 13

24 Feb 06 (Fri)-tutorial

27 Feb 06 (Mon)-Lecture 14

1 Mar 06 (Wed)-Lecture 15

3 Mar 06 (Fri)-tutorial

6 Mar 06 (Mon)-Lecture 16

8 Mar 06 (Wed)-Lecture 17

8 Mar 06 (Wed)-Lecture 18 (extra class,  8.00 pm, at SK3)*

10 Mar 06 (Fri)-tutorial



The wavelike properties of particles (16 pg)

3.5 lectures

13 Mar 06 (Mon)-Lecture 19

15 Mar 06 (Wed)-Lecture 20

17 Mar 06 (Fri)-tutorial

20 Mar 06 (Mon)-Lecture 21

22 Mar 06 (Wed)-Lecture 22


Quantum theory


Atomic models (21 pg)

4.5 lectures


22 Mar 06 (Wed)-Lecture 23 (extra class,  8.00 pm, at SK3)*

24 Mar 06 (Fri)-Test II

27 Mar 06 (Mon)-Lecture 24

29 Mar 06 (Wed)-Lecture 25

29 Mar 06 (Wed)-Lecture 26 (extra class,  8.00 pm, at SK3)*

31 Mar 06 (Fri)-tutorial

Quantum Atom

Introductory QM

3.5 lectures


3 Apr 06 (Mon)-Lecture 27

5 Apr 06 (Wed)-Lecture 28

5 Apr 06 (Wed)- Lecture 29 (extra class,  8.00 pm, at SK3)*

7 Apr 06 (Fri)-Lecture 30

Introduction to quantum mechanics

Meeting times (for the whole semester):

Lectures + extra classes =  26  times + 4 times = 30 times

Tutorial + tests = (9 + 2) times, on every Fridays, except the first and last Friday of the semester

Missed lectures + missed tutorials = (4 + 1) times = 5 times

Total  = 30 + 11 - 5 = 42 times


142 x 4 pages of lecture notes, total 30 lectures.

(142 x 4) pages of powerpoint/30 lecture = 19 pages power point notes per lecture