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No. of lecture Scheduled date


Extra reading materials

6 lecture 24 Nov 04 (Wed)

25 Nov 04 (Thu)

26 Nov 04 (Fri)

1 Dec 04 (Wed)

2 Dec 04 (Thu)

3 Dec 04 (Fri)(Tutorial)

8 Dec 04 (Wed)

Special theory of Relativity: Failure of Galilean transformation; Michelson-Morley experiment; Einstein postulates; time dilation; length contraction; Lorentz  transformation of space-time and velocities; relativistic dynamics

  1. The development of Physics and Modern Physics
  2. Michelson-Morley experiment
  3. Ether
  4. Relativity
  5. Time



6 lecture 9 Dec 04 (Thu)

10 Dec 04 (Fri) (Tutorial)

15 Dec 04 (Wed)

16 Dec 04 (Thu)

17 Dec 04 (Fri) (1st Test)

22 Dec 04 (Wed)

23 Dec 04 (Thu)

24 Dec 04 (Fri) (Tutorial)

29 Dec 04 (Wed)

Particle properties of radiation: A general revision on the nature of wave and particles; light as EM radiation; photoelectricity;  Compton Effect, X-rays, Bragg’s diffraction of X-ray, Pair production and annihilation.

  1. Electromagnetic waves: (Colorado University)
  2. photon
  3. photoelectric effect
  4. X-rays:


4 lecture 30 Dec 04 (Thu)

31 Dec 04 (Fri) (Tutorial)

5 Jan 05 (Wed)

6 Jan 05 (Thu)

7 Jan 05 (Fri) (Tutorial)

12 Jan 05 (Wed)

Wave properties of particles: Wave-particle duality;  de Broglie postulate, Davisson-Gremer experiment; infinite quantum well;

  1. Quantum theory
6 lecture 13 Jan 05 (Thu)

14 Jan 05 (Fri) (Tutorial)

19 Jan 05 (Wed)

20 Jan 05 (Thu)

21 Jan 05 (Fri) (Public Holidays)

26 Jan 05 (Wed)

27 Jan 05 (Thu)

28 Jan 05 (Fri)(Tutorial)

2 Feb 05 (Wed)

Introductory quantum mechanics: Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, statistical interpretation of radiation; Born's probabilistic interpretation, infinite quantum well; Schrodinger Equation; quantum tunneling effect  

  1. Introduction to quantum mehcanics
5 lecture 3 Feb 05 (Thu)

4 Feb 05 (Fri) (class cancel)

9,10,11 Feb 05 ( CNY Holidays)

16 Feb 05 (Wed)

17 Feb 05 (Thu)

18 Feb 05 (Fri) (2ndTest)

23 Feb 05 (Wed)

24 Feb 05 (Thu)

Atomic models: Atomic spectrum, Thompson model, Rutherford model; Bohr hydrogen-like model; Frank-Hertz experiment, Correspondence principle
  1. Quantum Atom:   (Colorado University)
  25 Feb 05 (Fri) Class Revision, no tutorial, meet in the lecture Hall