Exam, tests and quizzes


Grading will be weighted: Coursework (in the forms of 6 open book quizzes) will contribute 30 marks, while final exam 70 marks, totaling (30 + 70 =100) marks.

Coursework assessment: We will have ONE open book quiz for each completed chapter. There is a total of 6 chapters to be covered during this course, hence there will be a total of 6 open book quizzes, each carrying 5 marks to make up a total of (6 x 5) marks = 30 marks.

Note: The open book quizzes assessment as mentioned above may be augmented by other form of assessment (e.g. an objective test) if deemed necessary, depending on the overall performance of the class in their open book quizzes.


Exam Format:

The exam questions will appear in dual language: English + Malay.

Final exam: A 3-hour final exam covering almost everything from the lecture material will be conducted at the end of the semester. It comprises of 40 objective questions (40%) and 3 structured questions (3´20% = 60%), all are to be answered. In particular, the objectives (in the tests as well as in the final exam) will comprise of conceptual type questions. Structured questions in the final exam will be of calculation type.