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Calendar and lecture notes

Note that:

1.  There are two versions of lecture notes.  The ones in mswords (or pdf format) are meant to be more comprehensive and complete in detail. The zipped power point version is the lecture notes delivered during lectures. They are more concise and 'simpler'.

2. The files are password protected. 

3. The no. of planned lectures and their scheduled dates are tentative and subjected to possible modification

No. of planned lectures 


1 lecture

-1. The program of physics (msword, update 01Nov03)

Extra reading material

  1. The development of Physics and Modern Physics

lecture 1 (zipped power point): 


13 Nov 03 (Thu)



6 lectures

0. Special theory of Relativity  (pdf, update 2Dec03)

Extra reading material

  1. Michelson-Morley experiment:
  2. Ether
  3. Relativity
  4. Time



lecture cancelled - due to technical  fault (LCD   not functioning). Apology

15 Nov 03 (Fri)


lecture 2 (zipped power point): Failure of Galilean transformation; Michelson-Morley experiment


19 Nov 03 (Wed) 


lecture 3 (zipped power point) (update 21 Nov 03): Einstein postulates; time dilation

20 Nov 03 (Thu)


lecture 4 (zipped power point) (update 21 Nov 03): length contraction; Lorentz  transformation of space-time and velocities

21 Nov 03 (Fri)


Raya holidays - no lectures

27,28,29 Nov 03 (Wed,Thu,Fri)


lecture 5 (zipped power point)(update 3 Dec 03): relativistic dynamics

3 Dis 03 (Wed)


lecture 6 (power point) (update 6 Dec 03): relativistic dynamics

4 Dis 03 (Thu)


lecture 7 (power point) (update 6 Dec 03): relativistic dynamics

5 Dec 03 (Fri)


2 lectures

1. Some preliminary wave physics (msword, update 01Nov03)

Extra reading materials:  1. Electromagnetic waves: This is a link to a highly recommended interactive webpage by Colorado University to tell you in plain language almost everything you need to know about the electromagnetic nature of light.  Come in to have a new e-learning physics experience and play an interactive role with the wave simulations.



 lecture 8 (zipped power point) (update 10 Dec 03):

A general revision on the nature of wave and particles; classical uncertainty relation for classical wave

10 Dec 03 (Wed) 


 lecture 9 (zipped power point) (update 10 Dec 03):

A general revision on the nature of wave; light as EM radiation


 11 Dec 03 (Thu) 



12 Dec 03 (Fri)


5 lectures

2. Particle properties of radiation [1st part(msword, update 17Dec03), 2nd part(msword, update 29Dec03)]

Extra reading material

  1. photon
  2. photoelectric effect




lecture 10 (zipped power point) (update 17 Dec 03):



 17 Dec 03 (Wed)


 lecture 11 (zipped power point) (update 17 Dec 03):



18 Dec 03 (Thu)


lecture 12 (zipped power point) (update 19 Dec 03):

Compton Effect


19 Dec 03 (Fri)


lecture 13 (zipped power point) (update: 24 Dec 03): X-rays

Extra reading materials:  1. X-rays: This is a link to a highly recommended interactive webpage by Colorado University to tell you in plain language almost everything you need to know about the physics of X-rays s and its modern day application. Come in to have a new e-learning physics experience and play an interactive role with the simulations to learn more about X-rays.

24 Dec 03 (Wed)


No lecture - Christmas

25 Dec 03 (Thu)



26 Dec 03 (Fri)


lecture 14 (zipped power point) (update: 2 Jan03):

Bragg’s diffraction of X-ray, pair production

 31 Dec 03 (Wed)




3 lectures

3. Wave properties of particles (msword, update 01Nov03)

Extra reading material

  1. Quantum theory



No lecture - first day of year 2004

1 Jan 04 (Thu)


 lecture 15 (zipped power point) (update: 2 Jan 03):

Pair production and annihilation, wave- particle duality

2 Jan 04 (Fri)



lecture 16 (zipped power point) (update: 9Jan 03):

wave- particle duality, de Broglie postulate, Davisson-Gremer experiment


7 Jan 04 (Wed)


lecture 17 (zipped power point) (update: 9Jan 03):

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle


8 Jan 04 (Thu)




4 lectures

4. Introductory quantum mechanics [1st part (msword, update 13 Jan04), 2nd part(msword, update 13 Jan 04)]



lecture 18 (zipped power point) (update: 13Jan 04):

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, statistical  interpretation of radiation


9 Jan 04 (Fri)


 lecture 19 (zipped power point) (update: 13Jan 04):

Born's probabilistic interpretation, infinite quantum well

14 Jan 04 (Wed)


lecture 20 (zipped power point) (update: 13Jan 04): infinite quantum well

15 Jan 04 (Thu)


First test, 50 mins, 20 objective questions on (1) SR, (2) particle properties of radiation, (3) wave properties of particles

16 Jan 04 (Fri)


No lecture - Chinese New Year eve, 1st and 2nd day of Chinese New Year

21,22,23 Jan 04 (Wed,Thu,Fri)


lecture 21 (zipped power point) (update: 29Jan 04): Schrodinger Equation

28 Jan 04 (Wed)



5 lectures

5. Atomic models [1st Part(msword, update 29 Jan04),2nd Part(msword, update 29 Jan04)]



Extra reading materials:

1. Quantum Atom :   This is a link to a highly recommended interactive webpage by Colorado University to tell you in plain language almost everything you need to know about the physics of atoms. Come in to have a new e-learning physics experience and play an interactive role with the interactive Bohr model simulation.




lecture 22 (zipped power point) (update: 30 Jan 04): Schrodinger Equation, quantum tunneling effect

29 Jan 04 (Thu)


lecture 23 (zipped power point) (update: 2 Feb 04): Atomic spectrum, Thompson model, Rutherford model 30 Jan 04 (Fri)


lecture 24 (power point) (update: 3 Feb 04): Bohr hydrogen-like model 4 Feb 04 (Wed)


No lecture - Public Holiday

5 Feb 04 (Thu)


lecture 25 (power point) (update: 6 Feb 04): Bohr hydrogen-like model 6 Feb 04 (Fri)


lecture 26 (power point) (update: 6 Feb 04): Bohr hydrogen-like model, Frank-Hertz experiment, Correspondence principle


11 Feb 04 (Wed)


 TEST II (20 objectives, covering all topics from lecture 19 (included) onwards)

12 Feb 04 (Thu)
  Tutorial, last lecture: Advices to prepare for exam 13 Feb 04 (Fri)
  FINAL EXAM (3 hours, 36 objectives + 2 structured questions) 27 Feb 04